First Day

Gijinka Tentomon is so cute, isn't he?  Gijinka Biyomon isn't bad, either, although I colored a bit outside the lines, and she is just essentially a few colorful blobs . . .

I meant to give him four arms, but it just didn't come out.  This was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing; this is how I saw this scene.

I really like the shading in this one, although I missed a few points.  I like the fact that I'm just starting to begin to learn perspective.  I finally, after years, get the idea of a vanishing point!

Although, it me, it all looks like an uphill incline. ^^;

Oh, well.  I state this as my new masterpiece-thing.

I'm considering making this into a series of pictures.  But who knows how things turn out?

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