This is Leia, my monkish character in a campaign of D&D I'm currently playing. I did the best I could with the outfit; I didn't quite know what the function of the sashes would be, and I wasn't quite willing to make her monk-outfit the same as Embers (mainly becase of the shirt.)
I didn't know what most of these looked like, and I was simply drawing to small to get the Ring of Protection pretty specific, anyway . . . so the boots, cloak, and ring all look rather nondescript, and I was guessing with the amulet.
Anyway, Leia's not related Natalie at all, I just couldn't think of any last names. That's also why she's named Leia.
For the record, she's thirty, lawful neutral, female, 5'1" at 104 lbs, and has green eyes and red hair.
Other character concept drawings currently in the works.